SharQ Sessions

Charlie Hole – Find Someone Who Cares (SharQ Sessions Live #3)

Recorded in the ECI Cultuurfabriek Roermond on Tuesday November 13th.

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On Tuesday November 13th 2018 the third SharQ Sessions Live was recorded. The new part of a bigger concept that we worked on the last few months. Besides SharQ Talk and Live in Limburg (podcasts) we introduced the third section on

During this episode of SharQ Sessions Live we invited the amazing singer and songwriter Charlie Hole (UK). His songs touch you right in the heart. He knows how to make great songs and already doing it for a long time, but never came over to the south of the Netherlands.

We have recorded this song but also the track Someone Elses Dream and a podcast.

At the SharQ Sessions Live we invite amazing (new) artists that never have been in Limburg before or come out a different region of the province. The goal is to get talent travelling around and let them play places they have never played before. Every SharQ Sessions Live is free to visit for everyone, so no ticketsales or such, everyone can come over and join the fun. We are hosting one show a month, so keep an eye out for the next one. Another goal is to pay artists for the performance, a lot of places don’t do that anymore these days, so we pay a fair amount. To make this possible we ask you to support us on and help to make our goals come true. You can make with a small donation a lot possible!

Next to the live shows we also record two songs for the artists (fore free) in high quality audio and video, as you can see above. In a SharQ Talk (podcast) we record an audio version of the biography of the artist, so more people get introduced to the artist.

Want to support this all? Go over to and make a lot possible with a small donation.

SharQ Talk is part of

Audio by: Peter Pijnenburg
Intromusic by: Bram van Rens
Logo by: Lars Ickenroth
Poster by: Stephany Concorso

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SharQ Sessions Live #4 Homecoming met Ismena Goossen 18-12-2018 The Rock Station Reuver

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SharQ Sessions Live #4 Homecoming met Ismena Goossen 18-12-2018 The Rock Station Reuver



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