PodcastSharQ Sessions

SharQ Talk Sessions #50: An introduction to OneWerd

SharQ Talk Sessions #50 has been recorded live at Poppodium Nieuwe Nor Heerlen (NLD)

On Tuesday 9th of April it was time for the 8th SharQ Sessions Live.

This evening was all about HipHop, with headliner OneWerd from the San Francisco Bay Area and Brohlin from Roermond (NLD). The MC, Rapper, Spokenword Artist and podcaster has been making music since a young age but came into hiphop later in life. His fascination for words found it’s way out in several records and a lot of show. For the first time in The Netherlands he founds his way to hiphop city Heerlen. So for a short introduction we recorded a podcast about his life story, his successfull indiegogo campaign for his new record Timeless and ofcourse we talk about his podcast “The Imaginary Friends podcast“.

Extra shoutout to Simone & Kees and the volunteers of Poppodium Nieuwe Nor Heerlen for having us and making the show possible.

Check out OneWerd online by:
Apple Music

Or his friends:
Fake Four

And some extra for our Dutch friends;
Bevrijdingsfestival Limburg heeft een eigen podcast!

In deze podcast hoor je verhalen uit het verleden en heden. Wat gebeurde er waar, wanneer en waarom. Over oorlogen dichtbij en ver weg, verhalen over vluchtelingen en vertellen we over de gebeurtenissen dichterbij huis. Deze podcast gaat over verhalen en momenten die we nooit mogen vergeten en die de reden zijn waardoor we op 5 mei samen de vrijheid mogen en kunnen vieren.

Luister de podcast op Spotify of Apple Music

Before the show we recorded this podcast to make an introduction to OneWerd. Listen to it in your favorite podcastapp or watch it on YouTube or Facebook.

▶ iTunes: https://apple.co/2L6nRei
▶ Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2A9pg0g
▶ Stitcher: https://bit.ly/2IUzG6C

The videoclips of the recorded sessions will follow soon, so keep an eye out on the YouTube page!

SharQ Sessions Live #9
Dinsdag 14 mei in Poppodium Volt in Sittard is het weer tijd voor een nieuwe SharQ Sessions Live! De eerste keer dat we terugkeren naar een venue waar we al eerder stonden en met een hele goede reden. Want niemand minder dan EMMERELL zal hier een geweldig optreden verzorgen. En Eva Kroezen verzorgt het voorprogramma! Dus helemaal geweldig weer en helemaal GRATIS! Dus Wees Welkom en geniet van prachtige muziek op een dinsdagavond.

▶ Check out my gear on Kit: https://kit.com/mcsharq
▶ Check Nootrofit voor al je Nootropics: https://bit.ly/2KKK7wU
▶ 12,50 korting op je JimmyJoy bestelling: http://i.refs.cc/zPcXlc6U

SharQ Sessions Live is all about the artist, an artist that didn’t play in Limburg before or artist from the province Limburg that most of the time don’t play outside their own region. The goal is to get an interaction started so artist will preform again in different locations. If you want to attend a SharQ Sessions Live it will be for free, each month we go to a different location and city, so everyone can enjoy a show in their own neighbourhood. Payed gigs are rare for young upcoming talent, so that’s why we pay them for the show. Do you want to support us with doing these shows, go over to www.patreon.com/mcsharq and make with a little donation a lot possible!

Not only you can see the acts live for free but also we record an introduction podcast with the artist, you can find those right here or in your favorite podcast app. And also we record two songs in a sessions setup for and with them, these will be released later on our socials as well. YouTube, Facebook and Instagram TV.

Did you enjoy the podcast, please leave a rating and write a review in your favorite podcastapp, here below or on YouTube/Facebook.

Want to support me in my journey, go over to www.patreon.com/mcsharq or join an event!

SharQ Talk is part of MCSharQ.nl

Intromusic by: Bram van Rens
Logo by: Lars Ickenroth
Poster by: Stephany Concorso

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SharQ Talk #49: A Balladeer

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CelineShanice - Invisible (SharQ Sessions #1)



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