
SharQ Talk #8: Malik Aziz

SharQ Talk #8 has been live recorded in Aachen.

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▶ iTunes: https://apple.co/2L6nRei
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Malik Aziz is an amazing talented artist. Not only with his band Start A Revolution but also as a freelance designer and podcaster. We have met a while ago during a Phoenix’Ashes show. In this Episode of SharQ Talk #8 we talk about his view on being an artist and the music industry and talk about how to record a podcast with the amazing software of Ultraschall.

Tip from Malik for all the Tesla Model X drivers: Get yourself a Bottle-Block.

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SharQ Talk is part of MCSharQ.nl

Intromusic by: Bram van Rens
Logo by: Lars Ickenroth

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