SharQ Sessions

OneWerd – Cope the Sorrow (SharQ Sessions Live #8)

SharQ Sessions #8 has been live recorded at poppodium NIEUWE NOR Heerlen (NLD)

On Tuesday 9th of April it was time for SharQ Sessions Live #8 with OneWerd (USA), this is the second track that we have recorded with OneWerd.

This evening was all about HipHop, with headliner OneWerd from the San Francisco Bay Area and Brohlin Coumans from Roermond (NLD). The MC, Rapper, Spokenword Artist and podcaster has been making music since a young age but came into hiphop later in life. His fascination for words found it’s way out in several records and a lot of show. For the first time in The Netherlands he founds his way to hiphop city Heerlen.

So for a short introduction we recorded a podcast about his life story, his successfull indiegogo campaign ( for his new record Timeless and ofcourse we talk about his podcast “The Imaginary Friends podcast“ ( You can listen to the podcast on your favorite podcast player or just right here:

Extra shoutout to Simone Mostard & Kees van den Berg and the volunteers of Poppodium Nieuwe Nor Heerlen for having us and making the show possible.

Check out OneWerd online by:
Apple Music

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Check Nootrofit for all your Nootropics
12,50 discount on your JimmyJoy order

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Want to join a SharQ Sessions Live? Thats possible!
Up next; SharQ Sessions Live #10 met BOLT RUIN

Tuesday 11th of June, Neeritter we welcome the Belgium act BOLT RUIN

The act from Ghent is working hard within his genre and won the harts of Consouling Sounds for him. An evening you don’t want to miss out of with this amazing new talent.

SharQ Talk is part of

Logo by: Lars Ickenroth

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SharQ Talk #52: Lesley Klaverdijk

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EMMERELL - Mistake SharQ Sessions Live #9



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